Discover the exciting activities you can check out or join at LVL UP EXPO!
The Cosplay Contest is the ultimate showcase of creativity and performance, drawing fans and talented cosplayers from near and far to compete in thrilling performances. From laugh-out-loud comedy to heart-pounding dramatic battles, each performance captivates the audience and impresses the judges.
Wavier For Applicants 17 And Under
General Release and Waiver for Applicants 17 and Under
Must be completed by the Applicant's parent or guardian. Can either be emailed to [email protected] or uploaded to the application.
Pitch Portfolio Guidelines
Starting 2025 you will be required to attach a pitch portfolio that must be 3-5 pages long, PDF format that includes the following:
- Your Cosplay Name, E-mail, Division (Novice/Journeyman/Craftsman), and Character and Series you are cosplaying from.
- An introduction telling us about yourself, no more than three sentences.
- A showcase of 3 of your best costumes entirely created by you. No bought pieces. One of these can be your current in-progress photos for what you are currently working on for this year’s competition.
- Social Media links if you’d like to share of more of your work.
- A list of previous awards and the conventions won at.
- If you have additional members in your group you have the option of either creating a second pitch portfolio per entrant OR you can add two – three additional pages with information as follows: Cosplay Name, Character Name, Awards Won (if any), and 2-3 examples of work.
- If someone will be primarily making all of the costumes, please note that in your pitch portfolio. We recognize that groups come with a variety of talent and that is taken into consideration.
This will be attached and submitted to the application when it opens.
Please do not Email this to us. This will be reviewed and entries will be selected by a panel of outside judges.
There will be 36 entries and 12 waitlisted entries.
Placement & Placement
A completed W-9 will be required in order to receive payment.
Major Awards
Best in Show: $5000
Best Youth: $200
1st Place: $700
2nd Place: $500
3rd Place: $300
1st Place: $600
2nd Place: $400
3rd Place: $200
1st Place: $600
2nd Place: $400
3rd Place: $200
Minor Awards
Judge's Pick Awards:
3 Judges Each Give $100
Director’s Award: School of Cosplay Sponsored Prize (1-month membership)
Best Spirit Award: Deluxe School of Cosplay Vegas Sponsored Prize ( 1-year membership)
Rules & Regulations
Adherence to the LVL UP EXPO 2025 Convention Policies is mandatory at all times. Failure to comply with these policies may result in disqualification. READ THOROUGHLY.
Entry Limits:
- Capped at 36 entries with 15 wait-listed.
- All entries will be on an application-basis approval. Failure to properly fill out the application may delay your acceptance into the competition
- All participants must purchase a LVL UP EXPO badge.
Judging and Events:
- A Morning Meeting on Saturday Morning as well as an individual craftsmanship judging time; Masquerade on Saturday late afternoon in the Main Events Room. Once your application is accepted, more information will follow via email.
- Staff, invited guests, and featured cosplayers are not permitted to compete.
Costume Eligibility:
- Costumes must be self-made from scratch, with at least 80% created by the participant with exceptions to the wig and shoes.
- You may not compete with costumes that have won major awards in other cosplay competitions. Major awards being first, second, third, or a “Best of.” Honorable mentions and judges awards are acceptable.
- No bought or "sponsored" costumes allowed.
Age Restrictions:
- Contestants under 18 at the Masquerade must have a parent or legal guardian sign the General Release & Waiver Form.
Judging Categories:
- Novice/Journeyman/Craftsman/Youth (12 and younger), Judge's Choices, Director's Choice, Shooting Star, and Best in Show.
- Competing “down” (A Craftsman entering as Journeyman for an easier win) is discouraged and will lead to disqualification.
- The “strongest” member of the group will have the group entered as that level (One craftsman, two Journeyman, one novice entering will result in the group entering as Craftsman.)
Meeting, Judging and Skit Time Limits:
- Required meeting on Saturday for at least one person from each entry to go over stage movement, basic rules, iron out any details such as music submission and ask questions.
- Craftsmanship Judging time limits (This is not TIME YOU HAVE ON STAGE):
Individuals: 5 minutes; & Groups: 10 minutes. - Skit time limits: Groups - 2 minutes; Walk-Ons - 60 seconds; & Individual Performances - 90 seconds.
Above Time Limits are STRONGLY ENFORCED.
Novice - 0-3 Major Awards
Journeyman 3-6 Major Awards
Craftsman 7+ Major Awards
Frequently asked questions:
Q: What awards are available?
A: Honorable Mentions, Judges Awards, 1st/2nd/3rd in each division (Novice/Journeyman/Craftsman), Best of Show, and a youth award if applicable.
Please Note: Awards may be adjusted based on the event turnout.
Q: What should I bring for craftsmanship judging? What's the process?
A: You will enter a quiet room with three judges, experienced in both competing and judging. Present the details of your costume, including photos of references and the building process. Focus on the details and try to be thorough but efficient.
Q: What criteria do judges consider?
A: Originality, cleanliness, and thinking outside the box. A clean, well-made costume will always trump a flashy costume with unfinished edges, sloppy paint, etc.
Q: What if I'm running late for my judging appointment?
A: Efforts will be made to accommodate you. The judges, having experienced competing themselves, understand the challenges and stress associated with meeting deadlines. Feel free to email if concerned, and we'll work with you.
Q: Can I inquire about judging or award details?
A: A Q&A/feedback panel on Sunday at 11 AM allows judges to provide feedback on your judging and performance.
Q: Are there prizes for winners?
A: Yes, prizes include trophies, cash, and other awards.
Q: What happens after submitting my Cosplay Registration?
A: After we have received your application you will receive a confirmation that it is RECEIVED. A panel of cosplayers will review and choose the “strongest” of each division (Novice, Journeyman, Craftsman) in an effort to build a successful, well-rounded show. If you have been selected, you will offered a position in the competition. If you have been wait-listed, if you will similarly reached out to and offered a chance to be on the wait-list. If you were not selected, we would recommend you compete in our brand new Hall Costume Contest with registration opening in February, a craftsmanship-based competition without the pressure of stage performance. (Please see our Hall Costume Contest Page for more information.)
Q: Can I compete with characters from a comic book series? League of Legends? Game of Thrones?
A: Yes! All series are open as long as there is something to compare the sewing work to – you must have a reference for us to judge you against as accuracy is a huge factor in your overall score.
Important Note: The decisions of Judges and Directors are final. Our aim is to create a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Hall Costume Contest
Show off your incredible craftsmanship skills in the Hall Costume Contest! This competition is judged exclusively by a panel of expert judges, giving you the chance to shine and receive professional feedback on your work. Unlike other contests, the winners of the Hall Costume Contest won’t be revealed immediately — instead, they’ll be announced during the Cosplay Contest in the Main Events Room on Saturday.
Wavier For Applicants 17 And Under
General Release and Waiver for Applicants 17 and Under
Must be completed by the Applicant's parent or guardian. Can either be emailed to [email protected] or uploaded to the application.
Placement & Placement
A completed W-9 will be required in order to receive payment.
Major Awards
Best in Show: $1000
Best Youth: $100
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $100
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $100
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $100
Minor Awards
Judge's Pick Awards:
3 Judges Each Give $25
Best Documentation: $25
Director’s Award: School of Cosplay Sponsored Prize (1-month membership)
Rules & Regulations
Adherence to the LVL UP EXPO 2025 Convention Policies is mandatory at all times. Failure to comply with these policies may result in disqualification. READ THOROUGHLY.
Entry Limits:
- Capped at 35 entries with 15 wait-listed and 15 slots available at convention sign-up on Friday of the event.
- All entries will be accepted after applying with an application.
- Entries will be first-come first-serve in each division. This is in an effort to have an even number of Novice, Journeyman, and Craftsman Division costumes.
- All participants must purchase a LVL UP EXPO badge.
- There is no pitch portfolio required to enter the Hall Costume Contest.
Judging and Events:
- Craftsmanship Judging Appointments will be available once you are accepted into the contest. As there is no performance element to the Hall Costume Contest, your costume is 100% your score. This is ideal for anyone who does not wish to perform but still compete.
- Staff, invited guests, and featured cosplayers are not permitted to compete.
Costume Eligibility:
- Costumes must be self-made from scratch, with at least 80% created by the participant with exceptions to the wig and shoes.
- No bought or "sponsored" costumes allowed.
- You may not compete with costumes that have won major awards in other cosplay competitions. Major awards being first, second, third, or a “Best of.” Honorable mentions and judges awards are acceptable.
- YOU MAY NOT COMPETE IN BOTH MASQUERADE AND HALL COSTUME CONTEST. This is in an effort to create an opportunity for everyone to have a chance to win.
Age Restrictions:
- Contestants under 18 at the Masquerade must have a parent or legal guardian sign the General Release & Waiver Form.
Judging Categories:
- Novice/Journeyman/Craftsman/Youth (12 and younger), Judge's Choices, Best documentation, Best of Show.
- Competing “down” (A Craftsman entering as Journeyman for an easier win) is discouraged and will lead to disqualification.
- The “strongest” member of the group will have the group entered as that level (One craftsman, two Journeyman, one novice entering will result in the group entering as Craftsman.)
Meeting, Judging and Skit Time Limits:
- After your application is received, reviewed, and your have received confirmation that you are invited to be in the Hall Costume Contest, you will select your craftsmanship judging time. Your judging time is the only mandatory appointment in the contest.
- Craftsmanship Judging time limits (This is not TIME YOU HAVE ON STAGE):
Individuals: 5 minutes; & Groups: 10 minutes. - Above Time Limits are STRONGLY ENFORCED.
Q: What awards are available?
A: Judges Awards, 1st/2ndin each division (Novice/Journeyman/Craftsman), Best of Show, Best Build Book/Documentation, and a youth award if applicable.
Please Note: Awards may be adjusted based on the event turnout.
Q: What should I bring for craftsmanship judging? What's the process?
A: You will enter a quiet room with three judges, experienced in both competing and judging. Present the details of your costume, including photos of references and the building process. Focus on the details and try to be thorough but efficient.
Q: What criteria do judges consider?
A: Originality, cleanliness, and thinking outside the box. A clean, well-made costume will always trump a flashy costume with unfinished edges, sloppy paint, etc.
Q: What if I'm running late for my judging appointment?
A: Efforts will be made to accommodate you. The judges, having experienced competing themselves, understand the challenges and stress associated with meeting deadlines. Feel free to email if concerned, and we'll work with you.
Q: Can I inquire about judging or award details?
A: A Q&A/feedback panel on Sunday at 11 AM allows judges to provide feedback on your judging and performance.
Q: Are there prizes for winners?
A: Yes, prizes include trophies, cash, and other awards.
Q: What happens after submitting my Cosplay Registration?
A: After you submit your application we will be selecting the first-come first-serve of the different levels. If you are selected, we will reach out to you to invite you into the competition. If you are not selected, do not despair! We have a wait-list as well as an opportunity to sign up at convention on Friday at the Cosplay Vegas Repair Booth.
Q: Can I compete with characters from a comic book series? League of Legends? Game of Thrones?
A: Yes! All series are open as long as there is something to compare the sewing work to – you must have a reference for us to judge you against as accuracy is a huge factor in your overall score.
Important Note: The decisions of Judges and Directors are final. Our aim is to create a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Does the joy in your life come from performing? That rush of getting onstage and being fierce? Then you’d better WERK! Lip Sync for Your Cosplay is the high-energy battle competition where you show us what you’re made of!
How It Works
For each round, a different song will be announced (TBA). From a show of hands, two people are randomly picked from the audience to battle against each other in a two-minute competition. They each share the stage and once the music starts they lip sync, dance, perform, and SERVE the audience in a battle of performance, each fighting to keep the attention on them.
Once the music stops, the two judges declare one the winner.
Don’t worry, we’ll start with a demo song to show you the basics of a typical Lip Sync Battle.
Please note: You can only go once, unless there is a song that is short on volunteers.
The Finale
The Finale Song is not announced until the end of the event. Anyone is eligible to participate in the final round, even those who already performed! In the final round however, entrants will be selected by the judges– so if you already performed, your prior performance may be how they base their selections!
If you are practiced and able– Voguing -spins, hands, and death drops are acceptable. No jumping off the stage or hard acrobatics.
No need to register in advance, just show up! Contestants are picked from the audience.
Will you win by choreography or being able to De-liv-er every syllable in Electric Shock? Is acting up that Disney Song your forte? Play to your strengths!
You do not need to be in costume, but it adds to the performance element.
Judging is based off of three things: Knowing the words, choreography, and presence. This also factors in cosplaying elements– are you using parts of your costume i.e. a cape/prop to add to your performance? Are you nervous or owning the stage? Are you working the crowd or staying in one, stationary place?
So grab that costume, get dressed, and get ready to either perform or support the performers!
ANX KPOP BATTLES brings together casual and hardcore Kpop fans in a super team dance event featuring either your own, modified or original choreo. All skill levels welcomed to participate to see who will be the divisional winners for our Young Lions (new/novice dancers) or Seasoned Ranks (experienced/veteran dancers) of the ANX Kpop Battles.
In addition, $2000 and the “Best in Show” trophy will be awarded to the top performance in which all divisions have a chance at.
Event Details
🚻 TEAM signups → only.
╚ Team suggested 5 members. Max 8 members.
🇰🇷 KOREAN songs → allowed.
🌐 GLOBAL / ENGLISH songs → limited.
▶️ MEDLEYS → allowed
╚ 2 song max only.
🔒 COSPLAY / COSTUME → Extremely Encouraged.
🔒 3:00 PERFORMANCE LIMIT. 2:00 minimum.
►April 6th / 2025
(Be warned- all sign-up period durations are subject to close early, this one in particular is predicted to close much earlier than originally advertised.)
Please note- The ANX Kpop Battles discord has a screening process to filter out spam bots. Please after joining, read the steps to become eligible to see the signup form. Faster you do it, the higher the chances of being confirmed earlier than most for the event at LVL UP EXPO. So please don't sit there after joining the discord, follow the steps.
For any additional question / concerns, you can email us ([email protected]) or submit a help ticket on our official discord.
Catch the high-energy world of pro wrestling at LVL UP EXPO! Get ready to jump up from your seat and rally for your top wrestlers.
Why wrestling? Seven years back, the LVL UP EXPO Team decided to highlight one of our beloved fandoms—wrestling. Thanks to overwhelming demand, we’re keeping the fandom love alive and sharing it with you.
Wrestling schedule coming out soon!
You are strolling through an Exhibit Hall, when you notice out of the corner of your eye, a Merchant’s Booth with a single stream of light shining down on it. It is calling to you, you are oddly drawn to it. You then realize you are destined to complete a QUEST.
Side Quest is a free and interactive event, designed like a scavenger hunt for attendees to complete at their leisure throughout the weekend and win exclusive pins and ribbons.
These one-of-a-kind sessions bring you face-to-face with our Special Guests.
Stay tuned for our Main Events schedule coming soon!
The finals are coming—top pro players from around the world competing in iconic games for tens of thousands of dollars. High stakes and unmatched skill make this a must-see moment in esports.
Schedule Coming April
get your badge
Children 10 and under get in free when accompanied by a registered adult.
Special military and first responders rate offered at the door only.
Event Hours
Friday: 12PM—8PM
Saturday: 11AM—8PM
Sunday: 11AM—6PM
VIPS get one hour early access on all three days.
3-Day Badge
Access to our exhibit hall, panels, main events, tournaments and more!
Pricing Schedule
1/1/2025 – 4/24/2025: $85
At Door: $100
VIP Badge
Early access to our exhibit hall, exclusive hat & lanyard, swag bag, discount on all merch and (NEW) separate line entry at Guest Signings.
Limited quantity. Not available at the door.
Squad Pack
Includes four (4) 3-Day Badges—only available for Pre-Registration.
Pricing Schedule
1/1/2025 – 4/24/2025: $275
Not available at the door.
1-Day badge
A single day badge to LVL UP EXPO.
Pricing Schedule:
1/1/2025 – 4/24/2025:
Stay Updated
We’ll let you know about any new information, updates, and ways to maximize your experience at our event.