Get your game on against the toughest competitors at our tournaments.
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6 Tournament
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Tournament
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Tekken 8
Tekken 8 Tournament
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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Tournament
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Guilty Gear -Strive-
Guilty Gear -Strive- Tournament
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Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Tournament
TRT x LVLUP Expo - osu! Divisions Tournament format
The Roundtable x LVLUP Expo Divisions Tournament is the biggest open-rank osu! tournament that will be running during the LVLUP Expo 2025. As an open-rank tournament, anyone, even new players without prior knowledge about the game, could join to participate and try to win prizes. Prizes depend on players’ placement according to the division-type qualifying system and their placement inside of the division itself through the duration of the tournament.
Tournament Schedule and Stages
- Divisions Qualification Stage - Friday
- Registration 12pm - 2pm
- Qualifiers Play-offs - 2pm - 7pm
- Division 1-2 Bracket Stage - Saturday - Sunday
- Round of 32 - Saturday 12pm - 1:30pm
- Round of 16 - Saturday 1:30pm - 3pm
- Quarter-Finals - Saturday 3pm - 4:30pm
- Semi-Finals - Saturday 4:30pm - 6pm
- Finals - Sunday 12pm - 2pm
- Grand-Finals - Sunday 2pm - 6pm
- Division 3-N Bracket Stage - Saturday
Divisions Qualification Stage Format:
- Duration: 1 day (Friday)
- Each player plays in 1 of the Qualification Lobbies, which is assigned according to the available lobbies’ time slots.
- Qualification Format: Cumulative individual players’ performance across all Qualification Lobbies’ Matches
- Match format: Playthrough of all lobby maps from predetermined global Qualification mappool
- All players will be globally seeded according to their cumulative performance in their lobby.
- All players will be assigned to a Division according to their achieved global seeding place.
- Each Division will consist of 32 players.
Division #1 Brackets Format:
- Duration: 2 days(Saturday - Sunday)
- Bracket Format: Double-Elimination Brackets
- Players' bracket positions will be assigned according to their seed from the Divisions Qualification Stage (seed 1 - seed 32)
- Division size: 32 players
- Brackets include the following stages
- Round of 32
- Round of 16 (Winners and Losers brackets)
- Quarter-Finals (Winners and Losers brackets)
- Semi-Finals (Winners and Losers brackets)
- Finals (Winners and Losers brackets)
- Grand-Finals
- All matches per stage will be performed at the same time (e.g., All of the Round of 32 matches will be performed at the same time instead of being consecutive)
- Each match will be performed in a 1vs1 format
- Lobbies gamerules: ScoreV2, Head To Head, NoFail enforced
- Each match is determined when a player accrues a set number of map wins (points). This number is determined by the best of for each round.
- Round of 32/Round of 16/Quarter-Finals/Semi-Finals: Best of 11, 2 bans.
- In the case of both players achieving the Match Point state - the Tiebreaker beatmap will be played to determine the winner.
Division #2 Bracket Format:
- Duration: 1 day (Saturday)
- Bracket Format: Single-Elimination Bracket
- Players' bracket positions will be assigned according to their seed from the Divisions Qualification Stage (seed 33 - seed 64)
- Division size: 32 players
- Brackets include the following stages
- Round of 32
- Round of 16 (Winners bracket)
- Quarter-Finals (Winners bracket)
- Semi-Finals (Winners bracket)
- Finals (Winners bracket)
- Grand-Finals
- All matches per stage will be performed at the same time (e.g., All of the Round of 32 matches will be performed at the same time instead of being consecutive)
- Each match will be performed in a 1vs1 format
- Lobbies gamerules: ScoreV2, Head To Head, NoFail enforced
- Each match is determined when a player accrues a set number of map wins (points). This number is determined by the best of for each round.
- Round of 32/Round of 16/Quarter-Finals/Semi-Finals: Best of 11, 2 bans.
- In the case of both players achieving the Match Point state - the Tiebreaker beatmap will be played to determine the winner.
Division #3-N Bracket Format:
- Duration 1 day (Saturday)
- Bracket Format: Single-Elimination seeded Battle-Royale lobbies
- Players' bracket positions will be assigned according to their seed from the Divisions Qualification Stage (seed 65 - seed N)
- Division size: 32 players
- The bracket includes the following stages
- Seeded Battle-Royale Lobbies (8 players per lobby per Division)
- Grand-Finals Battle-Royale Lobby with Top 2 Winners from the previous stage
- All matches per stage will be performed at the same time (e.g., All of the seeded Battle-Royale Lobbies matches will be performed at the same time instead of being consecutive)
- Lobbies gamerules: ScoreV2, Head To Head, NoFail enforced
- Each match is determined by the process of elimination, with the lowest-scored player during the map being eliminated until the Top 2 players are not being determined.
- In the case of 2 or more bottom scoring and achieving the same score - the global tournament seeding will be used to determine the eliminated player.
Division #1/#2 Match Rules:
- Match Lobby will be created by the referee 10 minutes prior to the scheduled Match start date and time.
- Players are expected to join their matches 5 minutes before the Match start date and time.
- If any Player does not join their respective Lobby by 10 minutes after Match's start date and time, it will be counted as a technical loss, with the opponent player proceeding further.
- If the player was completely disqualified by any means from the tournament, their next match will be counted as a technical win for the opponent player.
- Each player will be asked to use a !roll command by writing it inside the lobby game chat. A Player who rolls the higher amount will be considered a winner of the rolls.
- The winner of the roll can choose if they want to ban first or pick first.
- The amount of available map bans will be determined by the current bracket stage round in which the match is being played. There are no restrictions on mod bans.
- After bans, players will pick maps in turns until one of the players reaches the match's current winning condition.
- Each player has 90 seconds to both ban and pick maps. After a map is picked, players have 90 seconds to ready-up for that map.
- Players may ask for a rematch in case of encountering technical issues while playing within 30 seconds or 25% of the beatmap drain length (whichever happens first) of the game's start. Referees may, at their discretion, veto this request (eg. In case of abusing the rule by one of the players, or “Lag spikes”).
- Referees may allow, at their discretion, lower or higher tolerances for timers.
- If a game ends in a draw, it will be nullified and the beatmap will be replayed.
- In situations where no rules are specified, discretion is left to the match referee.
Division 3-N Match Rules:
- Match Lobby will be created by the referee 10 minutes prior to the scheduled Match start date and time.
- Players are expected to join their matches 5 minutes before the Match start date and time.
- If any Player does not join their respective Lobby by 10 minutes after Match's start date and time, it will be counted as a technical loss, with the opponent player proceeding further.
- If the player was completely disqualified by any means from the tournament, their next match will be counted as a technical win for the opponent player.
- After bans, players will pick maps in turns until one of the players reaches the match's current winning condition.
- Each player has 90 seconds to both ban and pick maps. After a map is picked, players have 90 seconds to ready-up for that map.
- Players may ask for a rematch in case of encountering technical issues while playing within 30 seconds or 25% of the beatmap drain length (whichever happens first) of the game's start. Referees may, at their discretion, veto this request (eg. In case of abusing the rule by one of the players, or “Lag spikes”).
- Referees may allow, at their discretion, lower or higher tolerances for timers.
- If a game ends in a draw, it will be nullified and the beatmap will be replayed.
- In situations where no rules are specified, discretion is left to the match referee.
- All players will play on the same mappool per stage
- There will be separate mappools for Qualification Stage, Round of 32, Round of 16, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, Finals, and Grand Finals. Mappool format will be as follows:
- Round of 32/Round of 16/Quarter-Finals/Semi-Finals: 5 No Mod/4 Hidden/4 Hard Rock/4 Double Time/1 Tiebreaker
- Finals/Grand-Finals: 7 No Mod/4 Hidden/4 Hard Rock/4 Double Time/1 Tiebreaker
General Rules:
- All players are expected to compete fairly without trying to intentionally underperform to forfeit the matches or/and handicap themselves. Such instances will lead to complete further disqualification from the tournament.
- Any form of toxic behavior by the participants, including harassment, slander, and usage of slurs, is completely prohibited on all RoundTable social platform groups, chats, and in-game, and will lead to permanent disqualification from the current tournament and all further RoundTable events.
- Any form of cheating and usage of 3rd party software and tools to get an advantage during the matches will lead to permanent disqualification from the current tournament and all further RoundTable events.
Prize Pool:
- Division #1
- Division #2
- Division #3-N
[1] Seed - placement of the player according to their performance during Qualification Stage
Fragadelphia, founded in 2014 by CS:GO players and fans, is a grassroots esports tournament series centered on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Featuring prize pools, pro and amateur teams, and a relaxed, community-focused atmosphere, it’s one of North America’s largest and most popular CS:GO events.
Counter-Strike 2
Rule Inheritance
- These rules are based off of and should inherit from the ESEA CS2 Official Rules which can be found at HERE. The rules outlined in this document are only additions, enhancements, or modifications to rules outlined in the ESEA Official Rules.
Rule Modifications
- Rules may be changed leading up to the event at the discretion of appointed tournament officials and/or Fragadelphia. Players are responsible for keeping up-to-date with the latest rules and at no point are tournament officials or Fragadelphia responsible for announcing or notifying players of rule changes.
- In the event a rule modification needs to occur after matches have begun, players will be notified during the event by tournament admins to the best of their ability.
All players are expected to understand and follow the rules outlined in this document and those inherited. In the event of a disagreement or discrepancy in the rules, tournament officials will make the final ruling on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, all players are expected to complete and sign a Player Waiver (provided in a separate document) to be handed in on the day of the event.
Map Pool
The map pool for the event will be as follows:
- de_vertigo
- de_inferno
- de_mirage
- de_nuke
- de_overpass
- de_ancient
- de_anubis
Banned Cosmetics
- All player skins are banned, players must use default player model skins.
- Weapon skins are allowed
- Gloves are allowed
- Tournament officials will do everything within their power to keep the tournament fair for all participating teams. The tournament format is designed to prevent coin toss scenarios and to provide predictable seeding into the bracket stage.
- Any hostile actions, including those physical and/or verbal, during the event are grounds for disqualification and removal of a player or team.
Team and Player Names
- In the desire to keep demo content and broadcasts respectful, players or teams may be required to change their in-game name if it is found offensive or inappropriate.
Team Captains
- The player who paid for and reserved a spot in the tournament through official channels is considered the Team Captain unless otherwise expressed to tournament officials by said player. The Team Captain will be responsible for any map bans and picks during the event.
Game Client
- During the event no third-party clients are to be used unless otherwise instructed by tournament officials.
Spectators and Interference
- At no point during match play may players or spectators standing near players currently in an official match interfere with the match for any reason.
Matches and Scheduling
It is critical that all scheduled matches are started promptly in order for the event to complete on time. Teams must be present 30 minutes before their scheduled match time. Teams that fail to start their match within 15 minutes of their scheduled match time will forfeit the map. Teams with four or five players may start a match. In a Best of 3, each map is allotted 45 minutes: if a team forfeits their first map, the 2nd map must start within 60 minutes of the scheduled Bo3 start time.
Game Specific Rules/Lobby Setup
- Settings
- Round-time = 1:55 minutes
- Freeze-time = 20 seconds
- Buy-time = 20 seconds
- C4 timer = 40 seconds
- Overtime Money = $16,000
- Overtime Rounds = 3 rounds per half
Each game will consist of two (2) 15-round halves. A game will end if a Team reaches 16-round wins in the second half. If the score of a game is tied after 30 rounds, overtime will be played. Overtime consists of two (2) three-round halves. Players will start each overtime half with $16,000. A game will end if a Team reaches four-round wins in the same overtime. If the score of an overtime is tied after six rounds, another overtime will be played.
Picks and Bans
- Best of Ones
- Higher seed will determine which team chooses whether they want to ban or pick first.
- Each team bans until one (1) of the seven (7) maps is left.
- Best of Threes
- Higher seed will determine which team chooses whether they want to ban or pick first
- Team 1: Ban
- Team 2: Ban
- Team 1: Pick - Team 2 Picks which side they want
- Team 2: Pick - Team 1 Picks which side they want
- Team 2: Ban
- Team 1: Ban
- Remaining Map - Knife Round
- Best of Fives
- Upper Bracket will determine which team chooses whether they want to ban or pick first
- Team 1: Ban
- Team 2: Ban
- Team 1: Pick - Team 2 Picks which side they want
- Team 2: Pick - Team 1 Picks which side they want
- Team 1: Pick - Team 2 Picks which side they want
- Team 2: Pick - Team 1 Picks which side they want
- Remaining Map - Knife Round
- Schedule Modifications
- At no point will changes be made to the match schedule to accommodate for player schedules, lack of punctuality, or a lack of preparedness. Players are expected to be in their seats, ready to play at the scheduled match time
- During a series (Best of 3, Best of 5, etc.) players will be given a five minute break between maps.
Schedule Conflicts
- In the event of unexpected delays caused by the venue, tournament schedule, or another non-team entity, schedules may change. In no scenario will tournament officials move a scheduled match to be earlier than previously announced unless both Team Captains agree with the arrangement.
Absent Players and Substitutions
- Teams must have at least four players to start a map. Failure to produce four players within fifteen minutes of the scheduled match time will result in a forfeit of the map.
- Players may be substituted once per team, per day. Any substitutes must provide a signed Player Waiver before being allowed to compete. Players may not play for two teams in any capacity.
- Players who are found to be consistently disruptful to the flow of tournament play, causing delays, and/or hindering tournament progress will be subject to disqualification.
- Each team will be allowed four tactical timeout per map that is to not exceed thirty seconds. Tactical timeouts do not carry over across each half or across maps or matches. Teams may pause in the event of technical issues, player disconnects, etc.
- Abuse of the pause system may result in round, map, or series forfeiture at the discretion of a tournament official.
- Pauses will be executed upon the next available freeze time unless the pause was done by a tournament official.
Settings and Configurations
Computer Configurations
- In the event that the host supplies computers for players to use, said computers are provided as-is. While players may change minimal configuration settings to meet desired tastes (mouse sensitivity, monitor resolution, etc), any player found attempting to alter the system or hardware outside of user preferences (BIOS, CPU, GPU, Memory, Overclocking, Registry, Game Files etc.) is subject to disqualification without warning.
Player Configurations
- Players are allowed to use custom configuration files (including autoexec). At any point in time, admins may check a player's configurations for any violation against the rules.
Jump/Throw Binds
- For this event, jump/throw binds and aliases will be allowed.
Match Medic
- In the event of a power outage or equipment failure caused by the host, Match Medic may be used to restore the game's start to the round immediately after the last completed round.
- Availability of Match Medic cannot be guaranteed. In the event a round backup is unavailable, it remains at the Tournament Official’s discretion on how to proceed.
The prize money will be given to each player individually unless arrangements are made otherwise. Players will be required to sign a W-9 Tax Form or W-8BEN before receiving any prize distribution.
For Schools/University
- The prize money will be sent to each school to be redistributed to the players. The prizes are to be split evenly among the people who played in the respective semifinals and finals matches.
We’re joining forces with Pro-Play Games to deliver top-tier tabletop competition and a massive $20,000 prize pool!
One Piece
Star Wars: Unlimited
Magic The Gathering
The Retro World Series is the premiere name for classic gaming tournaments. From the first-time player to professionals, the Retro World Series offers the opportunity to experience classic gaming at its finest.
Halo 2
Halo 2
Registration will be on-site at the Retro World Series booth.
Saturday, April 26 at 6:00pm
$10 Entry Fee
Retro World Series Official Rules:
Gameplay Rules:
Twitch Stream:
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Registration will be on-site at the Retro World Series booth.
Friday, April 25 at 6:00pm
$10 Entry Fee
Retro World Series Official Rules:
Gameplay Rules:
Twitch Stream:
Pokémon Puzzle League
Pokémon Puzzel League
Registration will be on-site at the Retro World Series booth.
Sunday, April 27 at 3:00pm
Free Entry
Retro World Series Official Rules:
Gameplay Rules:
Twitch Stream:
Sonic the Fighters
Sonic the Fighters
Registration will be on-site at the Retro World Series booth.
Friday, April 25th at 4:00pm
Free Entry
Retro World Series Official Rules:
Gameplay Rules:
Twitch Stream:
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Registration will be on-site at the Retro World Series booth.
Sunday, April 27 at 1:00pm
Free Entry
Retro World Series Official Rules:
Gameplay Rules:
Twitch Stream:
Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros.
Registration will be on-site at the Retro World Series booth.
Saturday, April 26 at 3:30pm
$10 Entry Fee
Retro World Series Official Rules:
Gameplay Rules:
Twitch Stream:
get your badge
Children 10 and under get in free when accompanied by a registered adult.
Special military and first responders rate offered at the door only.
Event Hours
Friday: 12PM—8PM
Saturday: 11AM—8PM
Sunday: 11AM—6PM
VIPS get one hour early access on all three days.
3-Day Badge
Access to our exhibit hall, panels, main events, tournaments and more!
Pricing Schedule
1/1/2025 – 4/24/2025: $85
At Door: $100
VIP Badge
Early access to our exhibit hall, exclusive hat & lanyard, swag bag, discount on all merch and (NEW) separate line entry at Guest Signings.
Limited quantity. Not available at the door.
Squad Pack
Includes four (4) 3-Day Badges—only available for Pre-Registration.
Pricing Schedule
1/1/2025 – 4/24/2025: $275
Not available at the door.
1-Day badge
A single day badge to LVL UP EXPO.
Pricing Schedule:
1/1/2025 – 4/24/2025:
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We’ll let you know about any new information, updates, and ways to maximize your experience at our event.